About Us

Our Reputation

When one thinks of Louis Vuitton, classic chic designs and durability immediately come to mind, but so does a large price tag! We are a small team whom can provide a low-cost solution to fashionistas craving high-end accessories. We specialize in replica Louis Vuitton handbags, small leather goods, and accessories made of genuine leather and canvas, similar to those featured in their factory products.

Our Products

From long years of experience,  we know our customers know the characteristics that make Louis Vuitton’s products great, down to the last stitch. Over the years, we have built long-standing relationships with manufacturers from whom we purchase only the finest hand-made replica handbags and accessories. Our stock undergoes meticulous quality assurance processes to ensure our stringent standards are met, and the products are designed as close to the originals as possible.

We take particular pride in our attention to detail in the design of our line of handbags. When developing our pieces, we carefully examine the originals, noting the appearance of metal hardware, lining fabric, logo placement, color selection, and special features like pockets, zippers, clasps, and straps, all of which we know our savviest buyers will be looking for as well. For example, many designers use low-grade materials to trim their bags. Over time, the coloring stays the same; a clear indicator that the bag is a replica. We use natural, vegetable-tanned vachetta cowhide leather, the same used in Louis Vuitton pieces. Its transparency, smoothness, and grain reveal natural markings, including veins and wrinkles, proof it has not been treated. With use, this delicate, white-toned leather becomes more supple, developing a distinct, rich amber or caramel patina. Our bags are so carefully crafted; only a professional designer would know the difference!


Our Promise

Our promise to our customers is to be transparent in our communications and to provide an exceptional product delivered on time, at a reasonable price, and to your complete satisfaction. We guarantee your order will be shipped within 24 hours of placement, and uphold the policy that you will “receive what you see,” or receive a 100% refund. Our website is convenient, user-friendly, and provides the price, an itemized description of each product, and customer reviews when available. A team of friendly, experienced customer service agents is standing by at all times to help with questions or concerns through our online customer service form, email, webchat.

We thank you for your patronage, and hope you find the piece or pieces that make you feel elegant and confident when you wear them!